15 Signs The Guy You’re Dating Isn’t The Woke Bae He Thinks He Is

You know when you're on a date and something just feels off? Like, you can't quite put your finger on it, but there's just something not quite right? Well, we've compiled a list of 15 subtle red flags to look out for when you're getting to know someone new. These little signs can be easy to miss, but they could be the key to spotting the unwoke. So, next time you're out there in the dating world, keep an eye out for these sneaky warning signs. And if you ever need some one-on-one advice, we've got you covered here.

When it comes to dating, finding someone who shares your values and beliefs is important. In recent years, the concept of being “woke” has become increasingly popular, with many people striving to be socially aware and progressive. However, just because someone claims to be a “woke bae” doesn’t necessarily mean they actually are. If you’re unsure whether the guy you’re dating is truly as woke as he claims to be, here are 15 signs to look out for.

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1. He Doesn’t Listen to Your Experiences

One of the key aspects of being woke is being able to listen and empathize with others’ experiences. If the guy you’re dating dismisses your experiences or fails to listen when you share your thoughts and feelings, he may not be as woke as he claims to be.

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2. He Doesn’t Stand Up Against Injustice

Being woke means standing up against injustice and discrimination. If your partner remains silent or fails to take action when they witness injustice, it may be a sign that their commitment to social justice is not as strong as they claim.

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3. He Only Engages in Performative Activism

Performative activism involves participating in activism for the sake of appearance rather than genuine commitment to social change. If your partner only engages in activism for the sake of virtue signaling or to impress others, it may indicate a lack of true commitment to social justice.

4. He Fails to Acknowledge His Privilege

Part of being woke involves acknowledging and understanding one’s privilege. If your partner fails to recognize their privilege and the ways in which it impacts their perspectives and experiences, it may be a sign that they are not as socially aware as they claim to be.

5. He Makes Problematic Jokes

A truly woke individual understands the impact of their words and avoids making jokes that perpetuate harmful stereotypes or reinforce oppressive systems. If your partner makes jokes that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise problematic, it may indicate a lack of social awareness.

6. He Doesn’t Educate Himself

Being woke requires ongoing education and self-reflection. If your partner fails to educate themselves on social issues and remains ignorant about the experiences of marginalized communities, it may be a sign that their commitment to social justice is superficial.

7. He Doesn’t Support Your Activism

If your partner fails to support your own activism or belittles your efforts to create change, it may be a sign that they do not truly value social justice and equality.

8. He Gaslights You

Gaslighting involves manipulating someone into questioning their own reality and experiences. If your partner gaslights you when you express concerns about social issues or discrimination, it may be a sign that they are not as socially aware as they claim to be.

9. He Doesn’t Challenge Problematic Behavior

A woke individual actively challenges problematic behavior and attitudes, both in themselves and in others. If your partner fails to address or challenge problematic behavior when they encounter it, it may indicate a lack of commitment to social justice.

10. He Doesn’t Support Intersectional Feminism

True wokeness involves understanding and supporting intersectional feminism, which acknowledges the ways in which different forms of oppression intersect. If your partner fails to support intersectional feminism or dismisses its importance, it may be a red flag.

11. He Doesn’t Respect Your Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is essential in any relationship, and a truly woke partner will understand and respect your boundaries, especially when it comes to important social issues. If your partner fails to do so, it may indicate a lack of understanding and empathy.

12. He Doesn’t Acknowledge His Mistakes

Part of being woke involves acknowledging and learning from mistakes, especially when it comes to issues of social justice. If your partner refuses to acknowledge their mistakes or becomes defensive when called out, it may be a sign that they are not as socially aware as they claim to be.

13. He Doesn’t Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion

A woke individual actively prioritizes diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their life, including their social circles and professional environments. If your partner fails to prioritize diversity and inclusion or remains complicit in homogenous spaces, it may indicate a lack of true commitment to social justice.

14. He Doesn’t Support Marginalized Voices

A truly woke individual uplifts and supports marginalized voices, especially those within their own community. If your partner fails to do so or actively silences marginalized voices, it may be a sign that they are not as socially aware as they claim to be.

15. He Doesn’t Take Action

Ultimately, being woke is about taking meaningful action to create change and dismantle oppressive systems. If your partner fails to take action or remains passive in the face of injustice, it may be a sign that their commitment to social justice is not as strong as they claim.


While it’s easy for someone to claim the title of “woke bae,” their actions and attitudes will ultimately reveal the truth. If the guy you’re dating exhibits several of the signs mentioned above, it may be worth questioning whether he truly aligns with your values and beliefs. Remember, being with someone who shares your commitment to social justice and equality is important, and settling for anything less is not worth it.